



Temática: Tortugas de Mar

¿Qué hacen mejor las tortugas?
Baile lento.

Área natural: Munyon Island

“La isla originalmente fue llamada Nuctsachoo por los Seminoles, lo que significa Pelican Island, y supuestamente albergaba una de las colonias de aves zancudas más grandes del sur de Florida.

Los kayakistas frecuentan el estuario poco profundo. La vida silvestre en la isla Munyon y sus alrededores incluye pastos marinos azules, garzas azules y garzas azules pequeñas. Las aguas contienen mojarras, sardinas, salmonetes, pinfish y pargos.

Los alquileres de kayak están disponibles para aquellos que no tienen su propio equipo. La isla, a la que solo se puede acceder en barco, no tiene baños. Ofrece áreas de picnic cubiertas y parrillas”. -fuente:

“La Laguna Norte es un área de crianza de importancia regional para tortugas marinas verdes juveniles, con una densidad promedio de 37.4 tortugas/km2. Esta es una abundancia marcadamente mayor que la laguna Indian River, los Cayos de Florida o los arrecifes cercanos a la costa en el condado de Palm Beach”. – Plan de gestión de la laguna de Lake Worth 2021 ( página 20


Hecho Histórico de la Cuenca

A diferencia de las tortugas marinas, la tortuga Gopher no puede nadar y vive en madrigueras que han cavado con sus patas gruesas. Viven en el hábitat de los matorrales y proporcionan alojamiento a muchas otras especies. Los científicos llaman a la tortuga Gopher un animal clave porque sin la tortuga Gopher muchas especies no sobrevivirían.

Mensaje de Escritura

Con el tiempo, las tortugas se han adaptado a muchos tipos diferentes de hábitats. ¿De qué manera te adaptas a los nuevos entornos?

Consejo para la Mayordomía

Lleve consigo una bolsa vacía cuando visite la playa y llénela con basura para ayudar a limpiar cada vez que la visite. Para obtener más información sobre los tipos e impactos de la basura en nuestras playas, visite





Theme: Everglades

What do you eat when you visit the Florida Everglades?
Marsh-mallows 😛

Natural Area: Everglades National Park

There are lots of things to do in Everglades National park, explore this “international treasure” at your own pace.

Historic Watershed Fact

“Everglades National Park protects an unparalleled landscape that provides important habitat for numerous rare and endangered species like the manatee,  American crocodile, and the elusive Florida panther.” Everglades National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (

Writing Prompt

Many birds migrate to Florida in the winter including the White Pelican. Can you name others?

Tip for Stewardship

Leave no trace. When visiting natural areas, leave the ecosystem undisturbed. Pack all of your belongings and garbage out with you. Be sure to stay on established trails to avoid trampling precious habitat. Visit the source website to learn more about what you can do to protect your local ecosystem.





Theme: Jellyfish

Lagoon Fest is November 4th! Enjoy all that is offered at this great event on Flagger to celebrate the lagoon as an important natural resource.

Would you rather kiss a shark or a jellyfish?
A jellyfish. That’s a no-brainer.

Natural Area: Bryant Park

Visit this waterside park to see the mural of Jewell and the history of this lagoon side town.


Professor Screech’s Nature Detectives Level I

To complete the professor’s list, you’ll need a pencil, paper, and maybe a clipboard to lean on. Clipboards always make things more official and expert-y.


Historic Watershed Fact

In the late 1800s, Fannie and Sam James opened a post office on the shores of the lagoon, calling the area Jewell which was later changed to Lake Worth.

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite part of the mural? What was it like to be a pioneer? If you could a letter to Fannie today, what would it say?

Tip for Stewardship

What is our local history? What was here before buildings and cities? Who lived here before us? Learning our histories is a great way to acknowledge and pay respect to those that lived before us. Seek out the untold stories of our history.





Theme: Sustainable Landscape

How do you lead a horse to water?
With lots of carrots.

Natural Area: Daggerwing Nature Center

Daggerwing Nature Center is set within the beautiful confines of Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park in western Boca Raton. Features include a 3,000 sq. ft. exhibit hall with live animals and interactive state-of-the-art exhibits, classroom facilities, laboratory, art gallery, reading area, butterfly garden, and an elevated boardwalk which takes you on a relaxing journey through a swamp. The boardwalk has two trails, bench-style seating, as well as an observation tower available for you to view the abundant plant and animal life including: osprey, woodpeckers, butterflies, turtles, alligators, and a wide variety of bromeliads. Be sure not to miss our namesake, the Ruddy Daggerwing butterfly, as it flutters through the trees!

Nature Center staff offer a variety of educational, interactive programs to people of all ages. Click on the links under the Directory and check out all of our opportunities!



Nature Journaling 101 “Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes and open heart.” – Robin Wall Kimmerer

Historic Watershed Fact

Planting natives require less maintenance as they are already attuned to the natural Florida cycles.

Writing Prompt

Pretend you are an animal living in our watershed. What native plants would be important to you and why?

Tip for Stewardship

Choose native plants for your garden that will attract, house, and feed beneficial wildlife.





Theme: Manatees

What do you call a young manatee?
A babytee

Natural Area: Manatee Lagoon

Florida manatees are considered one of the state’s keystone species whose behavior can alert researchers to the environmental and habitat changes that may otherwise go unnoticed in Florida’s waterways for extended periods of time.


Print out and color this sheet of manatee fun facts.

Historic Watershed Fact

What is a Watershed? A watershed is an area of land that separates waters from flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas. Our local watershed extends as far west as Lake Okeechobee to the Atlantic Ocean in the east. Water flows from Lake Okeechobee through a complex canal system out to the Lake Worth Lagoon. Since opening the inlets on both ends of the lake, water from Lake Okeechobee eventually makes it out to the ocean. The flow of freshwater meets the saltwater making the lagoon an estuary. Continued freshwater is needed to reduce salinity or salt in the lagoon. Too much salt would once again change the area’s habitat.

Writing Prompt

Draw a map of your watershed.

Tip for Stewardship

Talk to 5 people about what you have learned so far about your watershed.