

Theme: Manatees

What do you call a young manatee?
A babytee

Natural Area: Manatee Lagoon

Florida manatees are considered one of the state’s keystone species whose behavior can alert researchers to the environmental and habitat changes that may otherwise go unnoticed in Florida’s waterways for extended periods of time.


Print out and color this sheet of manatee fun facts.

Historic Watershed Fact

What is a Watershed? A watershed is an area of land that separates waters from flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas. Our local watershed extends as far west as Lake Okeechobee to the Atlantic Ocean in the east. Water flows from Lake Okeechobee through a complex canal system out to the Lake Worth Lagoon. Since opening the inlets on both ends of the lake, water from Lake Okeechobee eventually makes it out to the ocean. The flow of freshwater meets the saltwater making the lagoon an estuary. Continued freshwater is needed to reduce salinity or salt in the lagoon. Too much salt would once again change the area’s habitat.

Writing Prompt

Draw a map of your watershed.

Tip for Stewardship

Talk to 5 people about what you have learned so far about your watershed.