Theme: Fishing Club
Lake Worth Waterkeeper hosts a monthly fishing club for all kids. For more information view our event calendar.
Fishing license fact – All proceeds from fishing licenses are given to the different programs that are geared towards preserving habitats, proliferation of marine life, educating locals and tourists on the area’s conservation efforts and the like. These programs all aim to reduce overfishing and protect the ecosystem.
For more information on who needs and how to get a fishing license, visit: Florida Fishing Licenses, Laws, and Regulations – https://www.fishing.org/licenses
Natural Area: Ocean Inlet Park
Ocean Inlet Park is a great place to fish for snook in January. Be sure to get your fishing license (https://myfwc.com/license/) and make observations for your phenology wheel.

Events/Activities: How to use a Phenology Wheel

Historic Watershed Fact
Youth under 16 do not need a fishing license. Join your local fishing club to learn more about fish, natural resources, and sustainable fishing.
Writing Prompt
If you were a fish, what kind would you be? Where would you live, what would you eat, and what kinds of adventures would you find?
Tip for Stewardship
Always bring your reusable water bottle. For more information visit Making the Switch to Reusable Bottles | Office of Energy & Sustainability | Case Western Reserve University