Adult LaGoonies: Beach Combing
$25 for members
$30 for non-members
Join us to explore our living beaches! Beaches are dynamic ecosystems, fluctuating with the moon, tides, ocean currents, season, weather, and more. They are a harsh environment home to a wide array of uniquely adapted wildlife and plants, and they are essential to protecting the human community as well. We will spend time looking closer at some of these elements and learning to better understand the beach and all it does for us. We will also take some time to comb for treasures and shells (and, let’s be honest, probably pick up some trash), and do some nature journaling- there’s no telling what the tides may bring us!
What to bring:
Sun Protection
Nature journal if you have one (I will have paper, pencils, and colored pencils for those who need them)
Be prepared to walk and be on the beach for about an hour