Army Corps of Engineers working to prevent toxic algae
From the C-51 canal to the Pahokee Marina, Palm Beach County has seen a lot of toxic algae this summer. But after being closed for months, the Pahokee Marina has reopened. The barriers blocking the road leading to the Pahokee Marina have been removed. People are...

Panel on Water Quality Issues – Palm Beach Civic Association
The Palm Beach Civic Association held a panel discussion on our local water quality issues. The panelists included: Attorney Reinaldo Diaz The Lake Worth Waterkeeper Dr. Steven Davis Chief Scientist With The Everglades Foundation Attorney Lisa Interlandi ...

Is this Florida’s Flint? – Clean Water Conversations with Friend of the Everglades
"The law has not caught up to the science." Recapping our recent Clean Water Conversation: Is this Florida's Flint? Lake Worth Waterkeeper Reinaldo Diaz describes the lack of statewide standards for toxic algae in our water and why that’s dangerous in terms of warning...

Advierten de algas tóxicas en los canales
Las autoridades han estado colocando afiches advirtiendo sobre la posible presencia de algas tóxicas en los canales, pero para un experto con el cual hablamos esta advertencia no refleja la severidad del problema. Reinaldo Diaz, de la Organización Lake Worth...

Why weren’t toxic algae health alerts publicized until this month? May was plenty toxic
Health alerts warning of dangerous blue-green algae toxins in Palm Beach County waterways have come rapid fire this month with eight issued in the first three weeks from areas as far west as Lake Okeechobee to the C-51 spillway into the Lake Worth Lagoon. ...

Frankel, colleagues want 90-day extension considered in decision on managing Lake Okeechobee
A handful of Florida congressional members, including Lois Frankel, are asking the Army Corps to consider a request for a 90-day extension on a decision about how Lake Okeechobee will be managed for at least the next decade. Frankel, D-West Palm Beach, along with...

Battle over Lake O: County officials join private meeting about most important resource in Florida
A decision on how the most vital freshwater resource in the state will be managed for at least the next decade is imminent with Palm Beach County officials mustering a fight to protect its water supply and environmental gems such as the Lake Worth Lagoon.In an...

Toxins upstream of popular Spillway Park double level considered harmful to humans
The Florida Department of Health flagged three areas in the C-51 canal Monday with an alert after the waters tested positive for microcystin toxins. A reading double what is considered harmful to human health was found upstream of Spillway Park, a popular fishing...