

Theme: Earth Day

Earth is so calming..
..it keeps me grounded. 😛

Natural Area: Jewell-Steinhardt Cove

1,200 linear foot shoreline; 11.4 acres (9 acres of submerged land and 2.4 acres of coastal stand and maritime hammock community.” Learn more about this natural resource


Sign up for a local volunteer clean up event. Lake Worth Waterkeeper hosts a monthly Living Shoreline Volunteer Day at Jewell-Steinhardt Cove for all kids. For more information go to Events Archive • Lake Worth Waterkeeper

Source: Lake Worth Waterkeeper featuring Professor Screech.

Historic Watershed Fact

You may know that mangroves help protect our shorelines from weather and wave activity. They also provide homes for many species. But did you know they also sequester carbon which helps balance extra carbon in our atmosphere? Studies are currently being done to see how much they do with carbon!

Writing Prompt

Footprint inventory: After completing the footprint quiz, walk around your house and inventory the things that you can change to lessen your footprint. Remember, it is a lifestyle change so you do not have to make all changes at once. Start with something small like not using single-use plastics.

Tip for Stewardship

Be an advocate for your local natural resources. Talk to your parents, teachers, school administrators and community leaders about implementing Earth friendly policies and practices. Do you have a recycling program? Water refill stations? Bwat angrè? Clothing swaps? What ideas would you like to see implemented in your community?